Horizon Housing Foundation’s Core Values
“Honoring our diversity”
It is our responsibility to create a positive culture and to safeguard equity, inclusion, dignity, respect, and safety for all. Will not tolerate sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and other overt and covert forms of prejudice and discrimination.
“Doing the right thing”
We have an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing. We cultivate a culture of integrity, accountability, and respect, empowering employees to make decisions without fear. Upholding high expectations for ourselves and our partners, we prioritize trust and transparency, ensuring that every action aligns with our shared commitment to ethical conduct and excellence.
“Leveraging our unique position”
We work to leverage our unique position within the affordable housing sector. We believe that by building relationships and acting as liaisons between residents, property management, developers, service providers, and others, we can bridge differences and improve the state of resident services in affordable housing.
“Empowering residents”
We seek to center residents’ voices in and through our work. When we learn from residents and respond to their needs, we honor the whole person and their community. When we speak up on behalf of those we serve, we help to strengthen and amplify that community’s voice.
“Responding to evidence, feedback, and new ideas”
At Horizon, we know that there is always more to learn! We strive to improve our processes and programs based on information we uncover from our experience, industry best practices, data, and feedback.
“Adapting to meet needs”
We are adaptable when designing programs and working alongside our partners. We understand that each community is different, and we put in the work to be sure that our efforts are relevant, impactful, and realistic.